Aquatic Herb
Aquatic plants that grow roots, are floating, or submerged in water are broadly termed as aquatic plants. They are categorized as submerged, deepwater, surface-floating, marginal, bog, or moisture-loving plants, according to the depth of water in which they grow best.

Cyperus alternifolius ïL܇²Ý(È«¾°£©
Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - flower and leaf

Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - habit 1
Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - habit 2

Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - habit 3
Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - habit 4

Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - habit 5
Cyperus alternifolius L ïL܇²Ý ݆‚ãɯ²Ý ‚ã²Ý - leaf and flower
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